Tuesday 14 May 2024

A lovely visit from Grandma, and the men are back briefly

Wow this is going to be a long update, and I've not got much time free to type so I'm going to have to get stuck in to it without preamble. Let's get to it! I'll try and break it into sections I think.

The transplanted Oak is going great guns
The transplanted Oak is going great guns
So much weeding to be done
So much weeding to be done
Lovely orchids
Lovely orchids
Here's a tortoise
Here's a tortoise
Thistles out the back bank
Thistles out the back bank
Yet more weeding done
Yet more weeding done
Rowan trees by Grandma's bench
Rowan trees by Grandma's bench
A new Silver Birch to replace this one that died
A new Silver Birch to replace this one that died
Loads of stuff pulled from the raised beds
Loads of stuff pulled from the raised beds
Space for tomatoes
Space for tomatoes
Mowed again
Mowed again

First of all some of the progress made in the garden. I've continued trying to clear and sort the invasive tree problem we've got in the wild area to the right of the driveway but rain and overwork keeps getting in my way. I did get out enough to do a load of weeding before my Mum arrived so we she wasn't looking at the garden and feeling like she had to get out and weed - it was pretty satisfying actually to get on top of it again. I've also mowed the grass a couple of times, and this time I avoided cutting down the lovely orchids (which are spreading - there are SO many up there right now!) and we also go to see some tortoises though they have largely hidden again with the cold weather we've been experiencing. I got to dig out a load of thistles from the back bank one day while Rosie was playing out there, so that was also satisfying. When I collected my mum from the airport I filled the back of Maisie up with trees including a few more Silver Birch, some Rowans and a decorative Japanese Cherry. All these trees are now planted and settling in well. When Angela came back she attacked the raised beds and cleared them all out and I went into the fenced garden and cleared a patch for us to put our spare tomato plants. Dutch has been digging up loads of our newly planted stuff from the raised bed (which is partially why the men are back briefly) so that was quite frustrating. It's been a very very busy time for me but I've been in the garden enough to feel satisfied.

Camping again! WAHOO
Camping again! WAHOO
Eating a doughnut on the rocking chair
Eating a doughnut on the rocking chair
Sun worshippers
Sun worshippers
Rosie with her awesome collection
Rosie with her awesome collection
Very happy sat on Grandma's Bench
Very happy sat on Grandma's Bench
Trampoline fun with Grandma
Trampoline fun with Grandma
What a wonderful birthday!
What a wonderful birthday!
Out out for my birthday
Out out for my birthday
Small sandcastle, and kisses from Xe
Small sandcastle, and kisses from Xe
Another family meal out
Another family meal out
BBQ time of year (briefly)
BBQ time of year (briefly)

On top of that I got the big tent put up for me and Rosie to camp in while Angela was away. It was fun, but not the most successful of experiments, as the puppies would not settle. I had to go back inside for a little until they were ready for bed but Rosie stayed outside and slept without any trouble! We did have a nice time on our own with the weather being glorious (far warmer than it is now) and we were able to play outside lots. I collected Grandma while Rosie was at school and it was such a lovely time to have her here. Rosie particularly enjoyed doing lots of fun things with Grandma including baking me a birthday cake which was awesome! We went out that night for my birthday to a lovely restaurant as Rosie wore a new dress I bought her for the occasion. When Angela got back we all went out again to the new restaurant which is rapidly becoming a favourite and we've even managed to get a BBQ done already this year!

Setting anchors in for the swing
Setting anchors in for the swing
Very secure now
Very secure now
Rosie straight on the swing when she got home
Rosie straight on the swing when she got home
Cutting the grass the traditional way
Cutting the grass the traditional way
Digging post holes
Digging post holes
Fence posts in place
Fence posts in place
The mesh fence is started as well
The mesh fence is started as well

There's probably more I could pull out but I'm exhausted and have loads of other stuff to do so let's get to today. As I've mentioned Dutch has been digging in our garden and destroying so much stuff (the tomatoes and strawberries have really suffered because of him) so we asked the men to come and put a fence across to stop any of the dogs getting into that part of the garden. On top of that I bought a swing set for Rosie that needs to be tied down to the patio and they could do that quickly. The first thing they did today was the swing, drilling and bolting it down and this was done pretty quickly in the end and it is perfect. With that done they started on the fence. First of all some of the grass I hadn't got to (because it rained) was removed with the scythe and then they got old wood from our roof and dug holes and set them in. It will be good for a year or two, which is all we need for now. We even had a chunk of old mesh fence we could reuse. By the end of the day they had run all the poles from the front to the house and put some of the mesh up. This may take another couple of days, with the gates that we need, but it won't be a long job for them.

I had a lovely walk after school with Rosie up to the headland  but I'll leave you with a couple of videos. First of all an epic storm and secondly video of the nightingales that have been singing every night for a while now.

Thanks for reading. I'll be back tomorrow.

Monday 8 April 2024

Toilet done, men away for a while

The men were back in today, for the final day of working with us for a couple of months, but first of all let's go through the weekend.

Camping time with Roo
Camping time with Roo
A quality early morning sky
A quality early morning sky
Setting the stones under the bench
Setting the stones under the bench
Old bench and new
Old bench and new
Rosie on the swings
Rosie on the swings
A party display at the park
A party display at the park
Picnic in the garden
Picnic in the garden

Friday night was awesome as I pitched the tent and me and Rosie camped the night. She just loves camping, and slept really well. I was up super early, as usual, and went out to do the final tasks on the bench which involved bringing up stones and spreading them, and shifting the big pile of spoil left over from digging out the footing. It looks great and Rosie has been sitting up there loads. She really likes the heart shaped stone that I dug out and have leant up against the fence. We headed out to the courier midmorning and stopped off at the park for some fun before heading home in time for a call with my family and then we took the blanket into the garden and had a picnic lunch.

The huge tent is set out for erecting
The huge tent is set out for erecting
Rosie fits inside the bag for the tent
Rosie fits inside the bag for the tent
This tent is just superb
This tent is just superb
Excited to be back here again
Excited to be back here again
Louise is grumpy that Angela isn't around
Louise is grumpy that Angela isn't around

In the afternoon Rosie and I took down the small tent we'd stayed in, and then put up the huge family tent as Angela and Rosie camped on Saturday night. It went up really well, despite the wind picking up quite a lot, and then we rushed out the door for dinner and playtime at the restaurant up the road. It was a very lovely time, and we met a Bulgarian couple who live in the UK and were over for a holiday to visit family. They had a daughter the same age as Rosie and we invited them to visit next time they're in the area. That evening the camping was a relative success (though it rained heavily) and I had the puppies up with me who were sulking a bit that they weren't able to cuddle with Angela.

Smashed hatch glass!
Smashed hatch glass!
This was so tasty!
This was so tasty!
A stunning sunset
A stunning sunset

Sunday was super busy for me but there was some drama. I was working and Angela was cleaning when I heard a huge crashing sound and went running to find out what had happened. It turned out that Rosie was trying to put the hatch down and it slipped out of her hands and slammed down super hard, smashing and scattering glass everywhere. Rosie was, of course, distraught and had run off to hide on the balcony. It took Angela and I about 40 minutes to clean up all the glass and make it safe to let the puppies back in and for us to walk around again. We're now waiting for the window people to come quote for a replacement with safety glass. Later on I took Rosie to karate, had a very lovely meal (that I cannot remember what it was called) and then as I collected her the sky was stunning.

Halil gets started sorting the spoil pile
Halil gets started sorting the spoil pile
Pipe is now being bedded in
Pipe is now being bedded in
Loads of bricks to be skipped
Loads of bricks to be skipped
Drain from the downpipes being re-attached
Drain from the downpipes being re-attached
Breaking out for an access hatch
Breaking out for an access hatch
Cementing in to finish up
Cementing in to finish up
Boxing off done and dusted
Boxing off done and dusted

And so to today. The men were in on time and got stuck in to the final jobs to finish the toilet install. They sorted through the spoil from their excavations (they had dug up loads and loads of stones and old bricks) and then secured and covered the pipe over. With that done Bekir reconnected the drainage pipe into the main feed down to our grey water system and then put in the inspection hatch over both the access points (so we can clean the pipe if we get a blockage) and finally boxed off the hole in the wall as well. It was a good and productive day and Halil's friend also came past to do the annual service on Mo the lawnmower, who was immediately put to work as the grass is growing so fast right now.

Balcony dinner time
Balcony dinner time

I'll leave you with us having dinner on the balcony for the first time this year. We even got to watch some cycling, which Rosie really enjoyed. A great way to end the day.

So there it is. The men won't be back for a fair few weeks so I doubt I'll be updating soon but thanks for reading.